Importance of being Productive and consistent:
Being productive with consistent hard work plays key role behind every successful person.Consider one person who worked 8 hours per day whole week and second person who worked 12 hours for first 3 days and rest chilled out.You can clearly see the difference and find out which one sounds good
So consistent hard work is important but along with it,in the end what matters is how much productively you worked instead of just sitting on the same screen for hours and doing with very less efficient work
If you successfully able to integrate both consistent and productive effort,YOU WON!
So,in this article,you will learn few tactics to improve productivity so as you achieve your goal!
Topics integrated:
- Importance of being Productive and consistent
- positive mindset
- Environment
- Goal setting
- Night owl or Early Bird?
- Community
Positive mindset!
''Nothing is impossible because impossible itself says i m possible''
How to start your day?
First step-You should plan your day earlier so as to have very clear vision for the rest of your day
Keep your phone away from you atleast for 1 hour when you wake starting your day with unwanted scrolling instagram/twitter notifications creates the negative vibe and your day can be ruined so avoid it!
Pomodoro Technique
One of the most successful Technique to be productive is what you are reading right now..YES!
What is pomodoro?
Simple rule: Put your Phone/distractions down for 25 minutes and focus on your work(you can also set the timer) then 5 minutes small Bio break.
Once you are done with 4 Pomodoro sessions,Take a break for 30 minutes in which you can scroll down the notifications or simply say-those 30 minutes are YOURS! enjoy:)
Repeat the same throughout the day
Also if you find 25 minutes a small time to focus,you can do Double pomodoro in which sessions are of 50/10
Sit in neat and clean environment with sunlight in your room (away from Phone)Also in your room you can make charts or roadmap about your future Goals and daily watch them so as to get motivated.
I personally recommend to listen Lofi songs or soft music if it is getting a long day for you and you have too much work-pressure!
Are songs only the way?
No.Some people can work for long sitting hours without any external source...For me,I need to listen songs so as to get pushed!
This is one of the best methods to be productive and consistent.
You can set Goals for Hour,a day,a week,a month,year or even 10 year goal! Note that even you are not able to achieve your goal,atleast you put your soul and heart in it and worked hard. So don't afraid to set Goals HIGH!
Don't wait for starting of new week or a new year to get motivated.Start Today,Tomorrow you will see a better yourself! (Don't compare yourself with someone else as by doing it,you are killing your own happiness)
Night owl or Early Bird?
One of the most frequently asked question in the room!
Personally,I would suggest you to find YOUR best productive time.Some are good early birds while some are night owls.Feel Proud of what you are instead of copying someone's tactic.
As for me,I am Night Owl :)
Stay with the community with same mindset you are having...a community which helps in improving a better you.If you stay with those who never appreciate your work,instead demotivates you then how can you ever imagine being successful?
Thats it for this article,So far you have learnt some of the most successful tactics which if you really apply in your life,You will see a better tomorrrow!